Part time
The part time work is a very important argument that employers have to bear in mind, especially when they want to realize a work-life balance together with the employees. The Part Time Work and Fixed Term Employment Contracts Law establish the procedure, but unfortunately hide some traps for the employer. We perfectly know where these traps are and help you to prepare part-time contracts or any other kind of employment contracts.
Please contact
Maike Koch
Specialist lawyer for labour law
Phone: +49 (0) 221 / 97 31 43 - 75
Our services in
Labour law:
Labour law:
- The written warning and the labour law
- Dismissal for variation of contract
- Employee data protection
- Equal treatment at work
- Peculiar responsibility for employees
- Temporary employment
- Labour court proceedings
- Labour law in insolvency
- Course of changes in labour law
- Employment agreement
- Letter of reference
- Agreements to terminate a contract
- The termination of employment relationships
- Fixed term contract
- Works council
- Business takeover
- Company agreement
- Theft and misappropriation
- Maternity leave
- Contract of employment for managing directors
- Settlement of interests and social compensation plan
- Settlement of interests and social compensation plan
- Capital increase, capital reduction
- Collective employment law
- Sickness
- Dismissal
- Workplace bullying
- Part time
- Holiday
- Negotiations with social partners