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+49 (0) 221 / 97 31 43 - 0

Do you need legal advice? Then give us a call for a free, no-obligation initial assessment. Nationwide!

You are welcome to describe your legal concerns to us by e-mail. You will receive a non-binding and free initial assessment from us promptly.

DA - Data Act

The Data Act is part of the European data strategy. It sets out the obligation for data holders to make available data that is generated when Internet-of-Things (IoT) products are being used. We advise you on how you provide data access in a legally compliant manner. For data holders, users and data recipients, we also draft data usage agreements that are in accordance with the Data Act.

Please contact

Dipl.-Inform. Dr. jur. Marcus Werner

Specialist lawyer for IT law, commercial and company law

Phone: +49 (0) 221 / 97 31 43 - 66

Roman Pusep

Specialist lawyer for IT law

Phone: +49 (0) 221 / 97 31 43 - 73