Enhancement for our IT-team

Attorney Kristina Dimitrova has been enhancing our team since November 2017 in the areas IT law, Data protection and Energy law as well in Intellectual property law. We are looking forward to a good cooperation with out competent new colleague, who is supplementing our expertise especially in IT law. She already proved herself in our IT-team.
Kristina Dimitrova ist specialised in IT and Data protection law as well in Intellectual property law. Further she has sound expirience in Enery law. Prior to her work for WERNER Rechtsanwälte Informatiker Kristina Dimitrova was Legal Counsel for an energy supplier company and therefore she has sound business knowledge.
Kristina Dimitrova studied Law in Bonn with the specialisation „International commercial Law“ and spent her legal clerkship in two commercial law firms in Cologne and Brussels and in the Federal Cartel Office in Bonn. She consults her clients in German, English and Bulgarian.