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The Internet provider is liable for providing wrong information about an IP address

The Local Court Celle decided in the ruling of January 30, 2013 (reference number 14 C 1162/12) that an internet provider in case of false information about an IP address is liable for damage. The right holder, in a case of file sharing, asked the internet provider to reveal name and address of the owner of the connection.

The internet provider revealed both the name and the address of the owner of connection, but when the violation of copyright occurred, he was not the owner anymore. The right holder issues a written warning. The former owner of connection decided to defend himself, hired an attorney and sued the internet provider. The Court ruled in favour of the former owner of connection, because the internet provider, according to article §§ 280 paragraph 1, 241 paragraph. 2 BGB, before revealing subscribers' data, was obliged to examine if he was still the owner of the connection or not at the moment when the violation of copyright occurred. Unfortunately the internet provider did not carry out a check.